This worksheet is a reading and listening comprehension activity. Students read and listen for information then answer the questions. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is a reading and listening comprehension activity. Students read and listen for information then answer the questions. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is a reading, listening and writing practice all in one. Students read, listen then write about themselves. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is a reading and listening comprehension about free time. Students read, listen and answer the questions. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is a reading and listening activity. Students read and listen for information in the present tense. They answer the questions. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is a reading and listening for Information in the past tense about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Florence Nightingale. Students read and listen. The paper has an answer key.
This worksheet has a reading and listening text about playing scrabble and using the dictionary and some comprehension questions. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is about two people who talk about their family and where they live. Students practice answering comprehension questions. The text has simple present tense, plurals, have/has, verb to be,
adverbs of frequency, love/like+v-ing, and, but and possessive adjective.