This worksheet is about the bathroom and bedroom vocabulary. Students read, listen and practice saying the words then answer the activities. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is about things and places in the street. Students do the exercises and answer. They listen and practice saying the words. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is about the seaside vocabulary in English. Students do the exercises and answer. They listen and practice saying the words. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is about the country and farm animals in English. Students do the exercises and answer. They listen and practice saying the words. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is about parts in a house parts for elementary level. Students do the exercises and answer. They listen and practice saying the words. The worksheet has an answer key.
This worksheet is about practicing daily activities with pronunciation exercise. Student read and answer the exercises. They also to distinguish some sounds. The worksheet has an answer key.