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Subject and Object pronoun Possessive Adjective Can free printable ESL EFL worksheets with answer keys for beginners

Subject and Object pronoun Possessive Adjective Can free printable ESL EFL worksheets with answer keys for beginners.

Subject and Object pronoun Possessive Adjective Can free printable ESL EFL worksheets with answer keys for beginners.

Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective.
Underline the correct word. Choose the correct response.

This ESL EFL free worksheet is about practicing the subject and object pronouns, possessive adjectives, and can. Students read and answer the questions. The worksheet has an answer key.

Subject and Object Pronouns

Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence, while object pronouns are used as the object.


Subject PronounExampleObject PronounExample
II run.meHelp me.
youYou sing.youI see you.
heHe eats.himCall him.
sheShe swims.herFind her.
itIt works.itFix it.
weWe play.usJoin us.
theyThey laugh.themMeet them.
Subject Pronoun

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership or relationship.


Possessive AdjectiveExample
myMy book.
yourYour car.
hisHis dog.
herHer cat.
itsIts tail.
ourOur house.
theirTheir game.
Possessive Adjective

The Use of “Can”

“Can” is a modal verb used to express ability, permission, or possibility.

AbilityI can swim.
PermissionCan I go?
PossibilityIt can rain.
The use of Can

Examples in Sentences:

Remember, subject pronouns are always the ‘doers’ of an action, object pronouns are the ‘receivers,’ and possessive adjectives show who ‘owns’ something. And “can” is your go-to verb for all things possible, permissible, or able!

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