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The past simple spelling of -ed endings English worksheet

The past simple spelling of -ed endings English worksheet

The past simple spelling of -ed endings English worksheet

Write the Past simple tense of the verb. Complete the sentences with the Past simple of the verbs in the box.

This worksheet is about the use of simple past tense spelling with -ed endings. Students read and answer. The worksheet has an answer key.
* Download This English Worksheet: “The past simple spelling of -ed endings English worksheet”.

The Past Simple Spelling of -ed Endings: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Regular Verbs and Their -ed Forms

In the past simple tense, regular verbs follow a simple pattern. We add -ed to the base form of the verb to indicate that an action happened in the past. Here’s a practical table with examples:

Base FormPast Simple (-ed Form)Example Sentence
closeclosedThe shop closed at 9 PM.
diediedSadly, our beloved pet died last week.
phonephonedShe phoned her friend to share the news.
playplayedWe played soccer in the park.
destroydestroyedThe storm destroyed the old barn.
showshowedHe showed us his impressive art collection.
marrymarriedThey married on a sunny day in June.
carrycarriedShe carried a heavy bag up the stairs.
studystudiedHe diligently studied for the exam.
visitvisitedWe visited the historical museum.
missmissedShe missed the last train home.
watchwatchedThey watched an exciting movie.
finishfinishedHe finished the marathon.
fixfixedThe mechanic fixed the car engine.
buzzbuzzedThe bees buzzed around the flowers.
use of -ed in the past tense.

2. Special Cases: When Magic Meets Consonants

a. Silent “e” Rule

Verbs ending in a silent “e” simply take “-d” in the past simple and past participle:

b. Vowel + “y” Rule

Verbs ending in a vowel + “y” transform the “y” into “i” and add “-ed”:

c. Consonant + “y” Rule

Verbs ending in a consonant + “y” take a delightful twist—the “y” becomes “i” followed by “-ed.”

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