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verb be + subject pronouns English printable worksheet

verb be + subject pronouns English printable worksheet

verb be + subject pronouns English printable worksheet

Complete column 1 with words from the list.
Then write the contractions in column 2.
Complete the sentences with ‘m ‘s or ‘re.
Complete the conversations with a subject
pronoun (I, She, etc.) and ‘m, ‘s, or ‘re.

This worksheet is about verb be and subject pronouns in English. Students practice by answering the activities. The worksheet has an answer key.

* Download This English worksheet: “verb be + subject pronouns English printable worksheet”.

Here is a table explaining the use of the verb “be” with subject pronouns, along with examples for each.

Subject PronounVerb “Be” (Present)Verb “Be” (Past)ExplanationExample (Present)Example (Past)
IamwasUsed when the speaker refers to themselves.I am a student.I was a student last year.
YouarewereUsed when speaking directly to one person or more.You are a teacher.You were a teacher in 2010.
HeiswasUsed to refer to a male person or sometimes an animal.He is a doctor.He was a doctor before he retired.
SheiswasUsed to refer to a female person or sometimes an animal.She is a lawyer.She was a lawyer until last year.
ItiswasUsed to refer to an object, animal, or abstract concept when the gender is unknown or irrelevant.It is a beautiful painting.It was a beautiful painting.
WearewereUsed when the speaker includes themselves and one or more other people.We are friends.We were friends in school.
TheyarewereUsed to refer to a group of people, animals, or things.They are neighbors.They were neighbors before moving.
verb “be” & subject pronouns

Additional Notes:

  1. Verb “Be” (Present):
    • “Am” is used exclusively with “I.”
    • “Is” is used with “he,” “she,” and “it.”
    • “Are” is used with “you,” “we,” and “they.”
  2. Verb “Be” (Past):
    • “Was” is used with “I,” “he,” “she,” and “it.”
    • “Were” is used with “you,” “we,” and “they.”


The verb “be” is an essential verb in English that serves as a linking verb, connecting the subject of a sentence with a subject complement or describing the subject’s state or condition. The form of “be” changes based on the subject pronoun and the tense (present or past).


This table and accompanying notes provide a comprehensive understanding of how the verb “be” is used with different subject pronouns in both present and past tenses.

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