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Writing a formal letter job application ESL Worksheet

Writing a formal letter job application ESL Worksheet

Writing a formal letter job application ESL Worksheet

Read the advertisement for a job.
Penelope is interested in the job. Read the information about her and complete her letter.
Study the organization of Penelope’s letter.
Look at the advertisement for another job and write a similar letter on the third page.

This worksheet contains an activity and practice about writing a formal letter job application. Students read and write. They also practice writing their own job application. The answer key is attached.
* Download This English Worksheet: “Writing a formal letter job application ESL Worksheet”.

How to Write a Formal Job Application Letter

SectionExplanationExample Sentences
HeaderInclude your name, address, phone number, and email.– John Doe– 123 Main Street– City, State ZIP Code
– Phone: (555) 555-5555
– Email:
DateAdd the current date.– January 3, 2030
Recipient’s AddressInclude the hiring manager’s name, title, company name, and address.– Ms. Jane Smith
– Hiring Manager
– ABC Corporation
– 456 Elm Street
– City, State ZIP Code
SalutationBegin with a professional greeting, addressing the hiring manager by name if possible.– Dear Ms. Smith,
– Dear Hiring Manager,
– To Whom It May Concern,
Opening ParagraphIntroduce yourself and state the position you’re applying for. Mention how you learned about the job opening.– I am writing to apply for the Marketing Assistant position advertised on Indeed.
– I am excited to submit my application for the Software Engineer role at XYZ Corporation.
Middle ParagraphsElaborate on your qualifications, skills, and experiences. Explain why you’re a strong fit for the role.– During my previous role as a Junior Accountant, I successfully managed financial records and reconciled accounts.
– My proficiency in Java and Python, along with my problem-solving abilities, make me an ideal candidate for this position.
Closing ParagraphExpress your enthusiasm for the job and your desire for an interview. Thank the recipient for their time.– I am eager to contribute my skills to ABC Corporation and would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.
– Thank you for considering my application.
Complimentary CloseUse a polite closing phrase.– Sincerely,
– Best regards,
– Yours faithfully,
– Respectfully,
SignatureSign your name (if sending a hard copy) or type your name (if submitting electronically).– John Doe
AttachmentsList any attachments (e.g., resume, cover letter) included with the application.– Enclosed: Resume, Cover Letter
Writing a job application letter

Remember these tips:

Feel free to use the provided examples as a starting point for your own job application letter! 📝🌟

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