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Prepositions of Place In/On/Next to/Under ESL EFL English Worksheets PDF

Prepositions of Place in on next to under esl efl english worksheets pdf

Prepositions of Place in on next to under esl efl english worksheets pdf

Complete the sentences. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

This ESL EFL free worksheet contains exercises about Prepositions of Place In/On/Next to/Under ESL EFL English Worksheets in PDF. The worksheet has an answer key.

Understanding Prepositions of Place: In, On, Next to, Under

Prepositions of place, such as in, on, next to, and under, are essential for describing the location of objects or people in relation to other objects or places. Mastering these prepositions is crucial for effective communication in English. Let’s explore each preposition in detail:

InIndicates something is enclosed or insideThe cat is in the box.
There are books in the library.
OnIndicates something is on a surfaceThe cup is on the table.
The picture is on the wall.
Next toIndicates something is beside or adjacent toThe lamp is next to the bed.
The park is next to the school.
UnderIndicates something is beneath or belowThe cat is under the table.
The keys are under the book.
The use of prepositions.

These prepositions are often accompanied by demonstratives (this, that, these, those), articles (a, an, the), or possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) to provide more context and specificity to the location.

Here are some example sentences using prepositions of place:

  1. The ball is in the box.
  2. The book is on the table.
  3. The chair is next to the desk.
  4. The cat is under the bed.

Classroom Language:

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