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Reading and listening for Information in the past tense English worksheets

Reading and listening for Information in the past tense English worksheets

Reading and listening for Information in the past tense English worksheets

Read and listen about this hero and heroine.

This worksheet is a reading and listening for Information in the past tense about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Florence Nightingale. Students read and listen. The paper has an answer key.

The Simple Past Tense in English: A Comprehensive Guide

Let us delve into the use of the simple past tense—a fundamental cornerstone of our linguistic fabric. With precision and clarity, we shall explore its formation, usage, and nuances.

1. Regular Verbs: The -ed Transformation

Regular verbs, like diligent scribes, adhere to a predictable pattern. Their past tense forms emerge by adding -ed to the base form of the verb. Behold the transformation:

Base FormPast Simple FormExample Sentence
playplayedShe played the piano beautifully.
visitvisitedWe visited the museum last week.
watchwatchedHe watched the sunset with awe.
studystudiedThey studied diligently for the exam.
arrivearrivedThe train arrived on time.
stopstoppedShe stopped at the red light.
dancedancedThey danced all night at the party.
laughlaughedHe laughed at the funny joke.
cleancleanedShe cleaned the entire house.
helphelpedWe helped our neighbors move.
Regular verbs

2. Irregular Verbs: The Shape-Shifters

Irregular verbs, like enigmatic glyphs, defy convention. Their past tense forms are unique and must be committed to memory. Let us unravel their mysteries:

Base FormPast Simple FormExample Sentence
gowentShe went to Paris last summer.
bewas / wereThey were at the concert.
dodidHe did his homework diligently.
havehadShe had a great time.
saysaidHe said it was a mistake.
comecameThey came to the party late.
seesawShe saw a shooting star.
eatateWe ate dinner together.
writewroteHe wrote a heartfelt letter.
runranThey ran in the marathon.
Irregular verbs

3. Usage of the Simple Past Tense

We employ the simple past tense to talk about:

  1. Events in the Past:
    • I walked to school yesterday.
    • We swam a lot while on holiday.
    • They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
  2. Past States of Being:
    • I lived abroad for ten years.
    • He enjoyed being a student.
    • She played a lot of tennis when younger.
  3. Expressions with Ago:
    • I met my wife a long time ago.

Remember, the simple past tense weaves our narratives with clarity.

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